Our Vision and Values
Our vision
Underpinned by our Christian values, we want our children to have respect for themselves, each other and for the wider world in which we live. We want them to be happy, resilient, and proactive and commit to working interdependently. We want our children to make a difference.
Our curriculum
Within the MVF, we provide an engaging and inclusive curriculum based upon the needs and interests of our children which builds upon previous knowledge and experiences. Our children are given opportunities to take risks within a safe environment, sparking their curiosity through practical child-led learning opportunities which challenge their ideas, encouraging them to be confident, independent and successful individuals whilst fostering a lifelong love of learning.
We believe that we should:
- act with “Love and Respect”
- have clear communication
- value the input of the wider community and environment
- model and develop a sense of social and moral responsibility
- provide opportunities for everyone, adults and children, to be the best that they can be and to develop and share their skills
- nurture a growth mindset approach for an “I can….” culture
- facilitate an excitement for learning with clear guidelines for expectations and ways to improve
Therefore we will :
- enable the children to explore the Christian values in collective worship and the wider day to develop a sense of where they fit in the world
- provide an environment which is safe for all, not only physically but emotionally, to explore their ideas and emotions and offer extra additional expertise for those that require it
- have high expectations of the all and encourage all to have high expectations of themselves in all aspects of their lives
- allow all to learn about social and moral responsibility and to encourage them to have a “voice”
- promote understanding of British Values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith)
- have clear channels of communication through parent-mail, our website and a home-school communication book with information at least once a term about children’s achievements and next steps
- provide a hub to encourage communication and family interaction by having a family time each morning where parents bring their children into school to see the work being done in class, have communication with the teacher and other families
- seek the opinions of all stakeholders in order to better our provision
- have links with the church include weekly collective worship in school led by the vicar as well as visits to church/cathedral for special celebrations
- actively encourage parents and members of the community to share their skills and work with the children
- plan and resource an enabling environment to ensure progress and high achievement
- organise visits, after-school clubs and workshops to enrich the children’s experiences
- encourage exploration of our natural environment for “awe and wonder experiences” and a connection with the natural world
- have close links with pre-school and junior school to ensure a smooth transition.