Bad Weather Procedures...
During the winter there may be times where the weather affects the viability for school to remain open. Below you will find the procedures that we follow to communicate the school's position if we experience severe weather.
- Subject to power being available, we will send a message via Arbor (if you have not registered with Arbor we strongly recommend you do).
- A message will be placed on the schools two mobile phones and on the home page. The mobile numbers are: 07545 355572 and 07545 355570.
- If the school is closed Hampshire will be alerted so the school can be listed as closed on Hampshire’s website
- Local radio stations will be alerted to a school closure, but cannot be relied upon.
If the weather conditions appear to deteriorate during the day when the children are in school, do not hesitate to pick up your child as early as possible. Remember your own safety and be assured that any child would always remain with a member of staff until you arrive. If you cannot pick up your child we must have your permission before we will allow your child to leave with another parent. If your child travels by bus, please ring the school to ascertain whether it is running.
In the event of a power cut at school our land line telephone will not work therefore the two mobile phones will be switched on. (numbers above)