Meon Valley Federation

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  1. Meonstoke CE Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Curriculum


Home >> Parents >>Curriculum

At Meonstoke CE Infant School the curriculum is designed around a shared belief that each child is unique, our intent is empower children to be confident, resilient and independent lifelong learners. We provide an ambitious practical based curriculum, which supports recursive learning, delivered through research informed teaching.

Our Christian values of Love, Respect and Courage underpin our curriculum with the intention of developing:

Love a love of learning, curiosity about the world around us including self-regulation skills to support good citizenship and positive attitudes to learning

Respect - emotional intelligence and appropriate communication skills so that our children are respectful.


Courage - the courage to be independent and resilient when faced with challenge.

We use agreed ‘Big Ideas’ for foundation subjects which outline key concepts in each subject that the children revisit regularly to make links to prior learning for our young children. Our curriculum has been designed around a core set of progressive knowledge and skills, but the context in which these are delivered is tailored to each cohort of children based on their needs and experience. The knowledge and skills are planned intelligently along with provision maps so that the sequences of learning enable children to explore, embed and then develop expertise with planned recursive learning opportunities.

The delivery and design of our curriculum is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and readiness for their next stage of education. It is our intention that opportunities are endless for each pupil particularly ensuring any barriers to success are overcome for any disadvantaged or vulnerable pupils.

It is our belief that children will be most successful when school and home work together in partnership. Therefore, we regularly engage with parents about their child’s learning, providing information on content and pedagogy; enabling parents to support their children’s learning using a consistent approach with school.

As a staff team we are relentless in ensuring we offer the highest quality of education for our pupils. To this end, we continuously reflect upon and develop the pedagogy underpinning our curriculum and the impact of our curriculum on our children.

The school follows the EYFS framework and National Curriculum for Key Stage One. 

Below you will find specific content of our school curriculum for each year group for each subject:


Reading forms an integral part of our children's day. We maximise opportunities for the children to practise and develop their reading through informal activities. These opportunities enhance our planned reading curriculum:

Reading Overview

We use Bug Club Phonics as our scheme to teach phonics. The document below provides an overview of our teaching sequence and associated links.

Phonic Teaching Sequence


Writing forms an integral part of our children's day. Purposeful opportunities to write are woven into the day both formally and informally, in English and across other subjects. 

There are many facets that contribute to young children becoming confident writers. Gross and fine motor skills along with communication and language are the starting points of which phonic knowledge, spelling and more formal handwriting can build.

Our children are taught to write via a carefully planned 'learning journey' which has an intended end point and is rooted within a rich text. Details of our writing curriculum can be found below:

Writing EYFS

Writing Year 1

Writing Year 2 

Design Technology
Design Technology
Religious Education
Religious Education

RE Provision Map