Meon Valley Federation

Welcome to

Meon Valley Federation

  1. Meonstoke CE Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Information for new Year R parents

Information for new Year R parents


A very warm welcome to all those new parents and families joining us at Meonstoke Infant School.  We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into our School community and getting to know more about you.  We hope you enjoy browsing through our website and finding out more about our School.



Resources and information for school readiness

Please click here for the New Year R information

Please click here to see Hampshire County Councils School Readiness Leaflet

Please click here to see Hampshire County Councils Starting School in Hampshire Booklet

Please click here to see some information regarding steps to starting schools

Please click the link here for information on the Baseline Assessment

Please see the links below for Home Learning Packs from Services for Young Children

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Online Learning Journal "Tapestry"

While your child is at school with us in their Reception Year, we use an online learning journal called  Tapestry.  This is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments. It builds up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us.  You as parents and carers are asked to join and access this Journal and add to it yourselves, just like we do at school!  


(Further information about Tapestry will be sent out to you when your child starts with us in September but in the meantime if you would like to look into it further click on the picture link below.)


School information

School Dates for academic year 2024-2025 - click here

Details regarding our school uniform can be found here. Discount codes 2024 found here

Children under 5 are entitled to free school milk. Please see details here. Once children turn 5, parents can sign up for their child to continue to receive milk.

Our lunches are provided by Hampshire County Council Education Catering. Their new starter guide can be found here. Please see details of the current school menus here.

Medical special diets are prepared for children at Hampshire schools who have been advised to avoid a certain food by a medical professional. Special diets are managed through Hampshire County Council Education Catering dedicated special diet portal which can be found here

The Local Authority provide funded transport assistance to those eligible. Please see here for eligibility and how to apply.

Pupil Premium (also known as Free School Meals) is extra funding for schools to ensure all pupils can achieve their full potential. Please see our page on Pupil Premium here for more information.

If you would be interested in becoming a member of of FOMS (Friends of Meonstoke) PTA please contact FOMS on