Meon Valley Federation

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Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Information for New Year R Parents

Information for New Year R Parents...


Welcome to Newtown Soberton Infant School

A very warm welcome to all our new parents and families joining us at Newtown Soberton Infant School. We are very much looking forward to

welcoming you into our school community and getting to know more about you. We hope that you enjoy browsing through our website and

finding out more about our school.

Please click any of the links below to download helpful information:

New Year R Transition Social Story

Typical Day


School readiness:

School Readiness Leaflet


Steps to starting school:

Starting School In Hampshire Booklet

Steps To Starting School




The Revised Early Years Curriculum 2021

and Development Matters

This year the new revised Early Years Curriculum has become statutory.  There are some changes particularly regarding the end of Year R goals which are called "The Early Learning Goals". It is hoped that the children will achieve the Early Learning Goals at an "Expected" level by the end of the Reception Year. 

Development Matters is a document which we will also be using to support us in delivering the new Curriculum and this has also been updated this year.  

You can find copies or links to both of these documents on our "Curriculum" section of the Parents tab page.


Baseline Assessment - Statutory from September 2021 - Information for Parents:

Information For Parents Reception Baseline Assessment

Online Learning Journal "Tapestry"

While your child is at school with us in their Reception Year, we use an online learning journal called  Tapestry.  This is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.  It builds up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us.  You as parents and carers are asked to join and access this Journal and add to it yourselves, just like we do at school!  The Reception Class is the last year in the Foundation stage and it is important to build up a complete rounded picture of your child at school and at home.  This information then feeds into the assessment at the end of the year against the Early Learning Goals. 


(Further information about Tapestry will be sent out to you when your child starts with us in September but in the meantime if you would like to look into it further click on the picture link below.)



School Year:

School Year 2023-2024

Uniform List and Discount Codes 2023:


Cool Milk - Free School Milk for Under 5's:

Cool Milk - Parent Information Leaflet

HC3S School Dinners:

Year R New Starter Guide 2023

Pupil Premium Application: