Meon Valley Federation

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Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Lunchtime

Lunch Arrangements...

Hot School Meals – Hampshire Caterers Packed Lunch

From September 2014 all children in our school are entitled to a free hot school dinner. 

Our food is prepared by HC3S  Hampshire Caterers.

There are always two options, one of which is vegetarian. During the summer HC3S also offer a picnic lunch as an option.

A copy of the menu is available from the office or can be viewed on the parent notice board. Alternatively you can view the menu via

Parents will be advised of changes to the menu. 

Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch.   We strive to maintain our Healthy School Status and request that parents support this by making healthy choices for lunch boxes. We discourage chocolate bars and fizzy drinks.

We also operate a nut free zone in school as some can children have life threatening allergies.

HC3S annual lunch themes

HC3S Newsletter


Free School Meals...

Historically, if you are receiving certain tax credits or benefits your child would have been entitled to free school meals. As meals are now free for all our children this no longer applies. However if your child would have been entitled to free school meals under the old scheme they would be entitled to the pupil premium (see pupil premium section).  There is an online service so you may check if you are eligible at

You may use this website to check your eligibility at anytime, should your circumstances change.