Meon Valley Federation

Welcome to

Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Absence



We aim to ensure all pupils’ attendance is as good as possible but understand that there are occasions when absence is unavoidable.

Authorised absences

Absences which are unavoidable or for which the head teacher has given consent are known as ‘authorised absences’ and will be recorded as such. These may occur when a child is ill, has a medical appointment or where there are exceptional circumstances which may necessitate your child being absent. Please let us know about such circumstances and we will deal with them sympathetically.

Amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 make clear that head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time for the purpose of a family holiday unless there are exceptional circumstances.


Applications for approved leave of absence during the school term should be made in writing to the head teacher using the form below:


Application for Approved Leave of Absence form


Unauthorised absences

Any absence which is avoidable or is taken without the consent of the head teacher will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised absence’.

Examples of  ‘unauthorised absence’ include:

  • a family ‘day out’.
  • sleeping in after a late night.
  • a birthday.
  • shopping or hair cuts.
  • waiting in for a delivery.
  • holidays taken during term.
  • any absence where there is no explanation given or where the explanation given is considered unsatisfactory by the head teacher.


If a child is going to be absent parents should notify the school by telephone on the morning of the first day of absence. If the school have not received confirmation of an absence the school office will call the parents to provide confirmation. If no reason is provided within a week of the absence or the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.


There are times when your child may be unwell and during their time at Infant school they will come into contact with different childhood contagious diseases. 

Although we continually remind children about cleanliness, germs spread very easily around the school environment so we would ask that if your child's illness is likely to be contagious that you keep them at home until they are unlikely to pass the illness to others.

Please click on the NHS link below which will take you to the website we use for guidance when deciding if a child should or shouldn't be in school and for how long they should remain at home.

The school nursing team issue regular newsletters with information for parents such as:

  • how to contact your school nurse
  • links to information on healthy lifestyles
  • tips to 'beat the bugs'

You can access the most recent newsletter here


Administration of Medicines...


There are times when your child may be prescribed medication to take during the school day. In order for us to administer medicine to your child a consent form will need to be completed. Consent form for school to administer medicine

Copies of the form can be accessed via the link above or obtained from the school office.

Please note that we can only administer medicines prescribed by a doctor. All unused medicines will be returned to parents for disposal.

Please read our Administration of Medicines Policy for further details.