Meon Valley Federation

Welcome to

Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Curriculum Overview
  4. Curriculum-EYFS



At our school the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory curriculum is delivered via purposeful contexts and through following the children's own interests so that their learning is driven by curiosity and a natural desire to learn. All children have opportunities for both adult directed and self-directed learning throughout the day. 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The EYFS curriculum is a statutory curriculum that determines the expectations of children from birth to 5 years old. The rising four year olds entering our EYFS class will have experience this curriculum at pre-school or nursery. We continue the learning journey for them until they are ready for the National Curriculum in KS1. Click here for a parent friendly guide to what to expect from your child at different stages of their development and how you can support their learning.

The EYFS curriculum is divided up into age/stage bands. It is expected that children start school within the 40-60+ month band and their progress is measured against achievement of the Early Learning Goals at the end of their first year in school.

The areas for learning are split into three Prime areas and four Specific areas. Progress within each area will be the focus for discussions at parent/teacher meetings.

Prime Areas Specific Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Literacy
Communication and Language Mathematics
Physical Development Understanding the world
Expressive Arts and Design




We follow the scheme for phonics as developed by the government, Letters and Sounds. This provides a structure and framework to ensure progression in the teaching of phonics throughout our school. We use a computer based program called Phonics Play to support the delivery of the Letters and Sounds scheme.

Phonic teaching is organised into Phases. Please click on each Phase below to find out more information about the content of each Phase:

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3 and 4

Links to useful websites which support phonic learning can be found here


Text Driven Curriculum Overview

Our learning is driven by good quality texts which provide a relevant context for learning. Alongside this we also follow the children's interests in a flexible way, responding to need.

Click here for a copy of our EYFS text overview with writing opportunities and progression.