Meonstoke CE Infant school and Newtown Soberton Infant School created a federation in March 2021. The governing board sit across both schools and form a vital part of the strategic leadership of the school. The board play a crucial role in making sure every child in the federation receives the best possible education. The board is comprised of representatives from several groups across both schools including parents, the community and local businesses.
What does a Governing Board do?
The purpose of a governing board is to help schools deliver the best possible education, by maintaining a strong focus on three core functions:
• ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the schools
• ensuring each school is accountable to all its stakeholders for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
• overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure that money is well spent
What does a Governing Board NOT do?
• inspect a school
• have involvement in the day-to-day running of a school
• authorise each item of expenditure
• decide which pupils will be admitted to a school
• decide how pupils are taught individual subjects
Anyone wishing to contact the Governing Board can get in touch via either school office and
Name: Hugh Pringle
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Name: Sophia Lloyd
Type of Governor: Parent
Name: Alison Pepper
Role: Acting Chair of Governors
Type of Governor: Local Authority
Safeguarding Governor
Name: Robert Bolwell
Type of Governor: Foundation
Name: Kim Lea
Type of Governor: Staff
Name: Amy Randell
Role: Executive Head Teacher
Name: Cath Butler
Type of Governor: Foundation
Name: Chris French
Type of Governor: Parent
Awaiting image
Name: Catherine Mills
Clerk to the Governing Body
Governing Board Statutory Information 2023-2024
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests 2023-2024