EYFS Spring 2
We are creative!
In Hedgehogs Class we love to create in many different ways; painting, junk modelling, Lego, Duplo, wooden blocks...we let our fantastic imaginations run wild!
As part of our learning about life cycles, we have got tadpoles in class and have been noticing how they change each day
The Hedgehogs Ritz
As part of our learning about the world, we made Hedgehogs into The Ritz tearooms and our teachers served us a cream tea. We dressed up in our best clothes and learnt all about manners and etiquette!
Making pancakes
We wrote shopping lists for pancake ingredients, like Mr Wolf. We hen made our own pancakes in class and ate them. Yum!
Book Week
During book week we had a visiting Storyteller who told the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar in an exciting way with lots of props and music. We all joined in together.
These are our text drivers for this half term...
Morning of Outdoor Learning
We had our second trip to the woods this year. We played in the park, walked in the woods collecting interesting natural objects, matched leaves to plants and named them, sang songs under the trees and ate our picnic in the sunshine!
Number Composition
We have been developing our understanding of number composition, splitting one number into two parts. we call this "Part, Part, Whole". We added toppings to our pancakes, making 10 in lots of different ways.