Year 2 - Spring 1
Home work!
Wow! Squirrel class produced some amazing houses for our Great Fire of London topic this half term!!!
We were very lucky to have the Groundlings in for a day this half term. The kids absolutely loved it. They learnt some seriously interesting facts all about the Great Fire of London. They were also fully immersed in the day via drama. The children learnt some interesting techniques for acting things out as well as getting to perform in their own plays all abut the Great Fire of London. They particularly enjoyed learning all about the Black Plague.
The children wrote some beautiful poems about fire this half term. Can you see their subordinating conjunctions and impressive vocabulary choices?
Our text driver for most of this half term was Vlad and the great fire of London. The children began by thinking about what Vlad might have written in his diary but then had to really use their imaginations to create diary entries for Vlad's companion, Boxton the rat! The children were especially fascinated by the fact that Samuel Pepys buried his parmesan cheese and his wine!
For the home learning for Spring 1 please
Squirrel Class worked hard this half term in maths. They have learnt different strategies for addition and subtraction and have proved they can do this using money! We are so impressed by their place value knowledge. Squirrel Class have made huge leaps in their learning and they are linking new learning really well to their prior knowledge.
In Science we looked at materials and their everyday uses. The children conducted some investigations into the different types of materials we see all around us. We briefly looked at statistics whilst doing this. The children decided that plastic is a really popular material because it is cheap and easy to make every day items with. We had a good think about why manufacturers might not use other materials to make some of the objects we see in our everyday lives. They were keen to think about alternatives with the environment in mind though.
For our class assembly we learnt this song! The children were able to sing it from memory with all of the signs too!
This half term we also celebrated Christingle.
The children enjoyed making their Christingle oranges.
Thank you Mrs Wells for organising this!