Meon Valley Federation

Welcome to

Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Pupils
  3. Rabbits Class
  4. Spring 1

Year 1 - Spring 1 

Have a look at out learning from this term...there is also a curriculum bulletin to have a more detailed look into what we have been learning!

Please Mr Panda

This half term in Literacy we have been learning about Please Me Panda. WE had to write our own Mr Panda story. 

We began by smelling, touching and tasting doughnuts! We read the Mr Panda story and quickly realised that Mr Panda didn't give those who didn't say please a doughnut. 

The children described doughnuts and even made their own biscuits to describe and ask the question 'would you like a delicious, crumbly biscuit?' 

The children then made their own Mr Panda stories telling the tale of their own animal, using question marks and exclamation marks and response. 

Tall Tales!

Click below for our curriculum bulletin to find out more!

Curriculum Bulletin


If you need any guidance on Phonics click below for the different phases

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 5 

 These are the Tricky words we have been focusing on recently. Keep a look out for any updates as we are still learning more Tricky words!

Tricky words- click here

Visit from Fire Fighter Tom!

We had a very special visitor in Rabbits Class. Firefighter Tom came to talk to us all about being safe. 

Firefighter Tom told us what we needed to do if there was a fire and how to stay safe, 'Get out, stay out, call 999!'

He spoke to us about his fire kit, with his steel capped boots, fire resistant trousers and tunic and his helmet that protects his head. 

Firefight Tom also read us a story about Frances the Firefly, this told us about being safe with matches and we learned a special rhyme 'matches and lighters never touch, they can hurt us very much'



This term we have had a focus on shape and place value. 

We revisited some shapes we already new such a circle, triangle, square and rectangle. We introduced pentagon, hexagon and octogen. The children sorted them by their properties such as number of sides and shape. 

We also had a go at halving shapes, we folded pieces of paper to see how a shape can be halved equally. We noticed that not all shapes can be halved into 2. 

In the other half of the term, we focused on place value and counting in 10s.

First we looked at the placement of numbers on a number line. some of the numbers were missing and we had to use our place value knowledge to place them in the correct place. 

Then we learned how to count in 10s forwards and backwards. We learned how to make 10 in different ways and counting in 10s using concrete resources.