Meon Valley Federation

Welcome to

Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Pupils
  3. Rabbits Class
  4. Summer 1

Year 1 - Summer 1

Looking After Our World

100 Acre Wood

We received a letter from The Forestry Commission explaining that houses were going to be built on the 100 Acre Wood. We visited the wood, thinking about all the things we enjoyed. We read a book called 'Tidy' which showed us about the implications of spoiling our beautiful environment.  We learnt about how to use commands and questions and wrote a piece of writing explaining why we did not want houses to be built on the woods. 

Click below for curriculum information.


This half term we have been busy learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. We have explored them in our environment and learnt to described them. We have also learnt about sharing equally into groups of 2,5 and 10 using cubes and number lines.

We ended our busy half term of Maths learning by exploring fractions and the link between doubling and halving.


We read a variety of books about the importance of looking after our environment and thought about things we could change at school. We explored the features of posters and designed our own to display around the school to encourage our friends at school to look after our world!


We have been very busy this half term learning to swim! We loved our swimming lessons and worked very hard, with lots of us becoming very confident in the water and being brave enough to swim lengths without floats

Growing Time

During our Growing Time we have been busy learning about algorithms, coding and programming. We explored the BeeBots and used them to solve lots of ICT problems. Rabbits have also been busy learning about Materials and their properties in Science and have linked this to recycling. We have learnt about recycling and why it's so important by exploring a range of images from around the world, including habitat loss and landfills. We looked at small ways we can make a difference, such as the different ways we can recycle at school and at home.